Monday, February 17, 2014

The snow they promised came.   I had hoped to go to see Mother this afternoon but decided to be wise instead and stay off the slippery snow covered highways.

I actually did to Sheboygan Falls for Bible Study.  I thought it would be OK in the morning as the snow was not due til later in the morning.   I took highway 23, dropping off a little teddy bear for Haley, my pen pal at Horizon School.  The wind was really bad and there was a stretch of highway that the snow was blowing so hard I felt like I was driving in fog.  

Got to bible study OK.   There were four of us today.   We will be down in numbers for a bit as Tom and Kathy are in Texas and Joseph had both of his knees replaced last Tuesday.  'We had a good discussion anyway.   Started off talking about the Evangelism movement in the diocese which fit in nicely with the section of the Acts that we are reading.

The I went over to Mom's to be sure that everything was OK and to pay her bills.

 By that time it had started snowing - I decided to head home for sure at that point.

So I have spent the afternoon trying to get the Scotland trip booked and straightening our my desk. 

Our little Marcus is getting his ear "procedure" this week.  Pray for him he is just a little person.  But if it helps him be healthy, this is what he needs.    Health providers love the word "procedure".   It sounds less scary.

Dia Dhuit


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