Friday, July 12, 2013

Cooler by the Lake

Today was very lovely.   The world, at least the world around here, is sunny, warm but not muggy and green splotched with lots of color and happy birds singing all over the place.

I spent the morning researching and writing on my new book.   I went to Dairy Queen to lunch with my ban friends at 12:30PM..

Did I tell you, I can't believe it but don't think I did.   I am a great grandmother times two again.   Leslie's Courtney gave birth to her twins, fraternal twins, yesterday.    They are Toby in at 5 pounds 13 ounces and Troy a bit bigger at 6 pounds 1 ounce.   I am so pleased and will look forward to pictures and progress notes.

Must get out shopping.   I still owe a certain Thomas Francis a gift from his great aunt too.


It is now 9:45PM.   I just got home from the EBCO Artspace Cooler by the Lake poetry event.   It was highly  successful in every way.   We had a pretty good turnout, I would say.    All the poets represented, including me read their poems.   People seemed to like them.   And I sold one each of my poetry books.    Yea.

I am exhausted now and will be heading right to bed.    I took pictures and then Mary Eckhardt used my camera to take more.   I will share a few later.    Tomorrow after spending most of the day at the Mill Street Festival hawing my book, I will go back to the art center to pick up my printed poems, my picture and the leftover food if there is any.    There was a big dent in the food so I was glad I baked as much as I had.   Tomorrow may be very quiet, but one likes to be prepared.

So.  To bed this sleepy head.

Dia Dhuit


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