Saturday, June 15, 2013

They said the temps would be in the low 70s today but it got up to 80.    There was a gentle breeze.   It was a bit muggy, but not too bad.   I had a quiet day.    Home all the way.

I finished sorting out my drawer in the file cabinet on writing.

I made Banberry cakes for tomorrow.  Tomorrow is Bloomsday at 52 Stafford, in case you have forgotten.   My friend, Maureen Smith, lent me a book called the Joyce of Cooking.   It is a full cookbook for foods from Ulysses.    I had the ingredients for Banberry cakes so decided to add them to the taste of the Gorgonzola and Burgundy Wine.   A writer friend, Paul Hanson, is coming to talk to us about Joyce and the book.    We may not have a lot of people but it will be a good program and a lovely evening.

My neighbor, Rita, went to Mass with me again tonight.   It is pleasant to have a companion and she is not supposed to drive anymore.   So this is a win win for us.   Fr. Dan blessed all the fathers in church after communion.    I always like to see that kind of recognition.

So tomorrow will be quiet until 5PM when I will be heading over to the Stafford for our Bloomsday event.   Yea.

Dia Dhuit


I wrote a Haiku that I like but can't figure out what it means.   Can you

Closer behind me
is the world that lies ahead.
 How can I catch up?

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