Thursday, May 23, 2013

These are my birthday flowers from Leslie and Bill.   Aren't they beautiful?

Today was a day at home.   Roxie was so happier and she was even happier when Bobbie came this morning.   She loves Bobbie and wore Bobbie's arm out with the petting.

We went through a lot of the papers regarding genealogy and that kind of thing that I though Bobbie should have as she is doing the Kunert Tree.  Lots of it is duplicate, so I kept that.     If anybody wants them, I have extra of the newspaper articles when he retired from the library.   I am sure you all have a copy of the book her wrote about the library at the centennial, but if not, let me know, I still have a couple extra.

We had lunch together.  I prepared hamburgers with baked beans and a berry shortcake.   Strawberries and Blackberries.   Nummy.

I am home tomorrow too.   I am getting a lot of things sorted now that the book is finished and I have to just wait for the final draft.

Jim is having his first colonoscopy.   Lets all pray that all is clear and healthy.

Dia Dhuit

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