Monday, May 06, 2013

Monday again.   And it was very filled as usual.    I started off meeting my friend, Bob Fleming, for breakfast at the Point.   It was their special potato pancake day, so I ate them.    Bob and I caught up on what we are up to and I was able to share the St. Kevin stitchery which I finished last night with him.    He is such an artist and he tole me he really liked it which made me feel great.

I also shared it with the Bible Study.    There were 8 of us there today, almost all.    It was a good study.  We found out that Psalm 116, which we are in the middle of studying, is read at every  Passover meal and that because of that it is read at the Holy Thursday service.    We covered a lot of ground but still have a bit more on that one.  We found a big correlation between the Psalm and the Last days of Jesus' life through the Resurrection.

Next, I went over to Mother's.   She seemed a bit shaky but was very perky and we got her bills paid and had time for a good visit.   She told me the cutest story.   We were talking about the son of a friend who jumped off of a second story balcony after tying a cape around his neck like Superman (He didn't get hurt too badly and grew up with more sense.)   Mother told me that when she was a little girl, she tried to fly too.    She pinned some bird feathers to the shoulders of her dress and jumped out of a tree.  She was not hurt either and found out that she couldn't fly either.

I worked on several computer projects this afternoon and this evening went to the Plymouth Arts Center to practice for Springtime on Broadway, which will be on May 17 - 18.    If any of you want to go there are tickets left and we would like a good audience.    Bobbie and Bill are coming.   You can call me or the Plymouth Arts Center at 920-892-8409.

Home again.   It is my bedtime.   At least that is what Roxie is telling me.    She is glad I am home.   She always complains at me if I go out.

Tomorrow is the Quilt Club meeting.

Sleep tight.

Dia Dhuit


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