Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday.    No snow and comfortable.    I got up with Roxie at 6AM.  She actually started bugging me at about 5AM so I was not too happy with her little fat self.

Since I couldn't go to Mass tonight because of the Poets Corner at Mead, I went to the 8AM Mass.  Walked around proudly with my ashes on my forehead just like I used to do when I was a little kid.    There was a time in our church that people who did not bother coming to Sunday Mass would have died before missing the Mass on Ash Wednesday.   They HAD to get those ashes on their forehead.   I guess the tangible is kind of comforting.

I did my grocery shopping, went to the bank and the post office and then came home by 10AM.  Yea.  I was able to stay home until just after 5PM when I left to pick up Sy for the Poetry Circle.  There was a nice group there tonight.  Just about everybody read something.   I read the poem I read at Writer's Club on Monday.   I will be able to use it next week at the Plymouth Club too.  Getting a lot of mileage out of it.  

So now it is after 9PM, a busy day and I am ready to rest.   Tomorrow I get to be home all day.  I am working on a big writing project.

Michelle called shortly after I left for the Poetry Circle.    I had called and missed them the other day.   We will eventually connect but in the meantime, Jim is having dental hell, so pray for him.

Til tomorrow

Dia Dhuit


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