Saturday, January 12, 2013

My quiet Saturday got perked up a bit this morning.   My friend Peg Payne called.   She had an extra ticket to see Beef Tea at the Plymouth Art Center this evening.    So after Mass, I met Peg and our friend Joan at Culvers for a hamburger before we went down to the concert.

Beef Tea is a very good local band.  They started out Irish, then added Bluegrass and now are doing a kind of modern folky country along with bluegrass and Irish.    I really liked the concert.   I left a little early because my arm and neck started hurting quite badly.   I think I liked them better a bit more Irish though.   My friend Nancy's son-in-law is in the band.   Nancy and Warren were there and another friend, Gary Anderson and his friend Sue.

The early part of the day was spent sewing and baking. 

This morning another friend, Rosemary Mugan, called and wondered if I would like to go see the movie Lincoln with her tomorrow.   I jumped at the chance.   Dick and I both wanted to see that one.  So she will pick me up just before noon tomorrow for that.

A quiet weekend has become quite eventful.

Dia Dhuit


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