Monday, January 07, 2013

This morning was very busy.    I got a call from Eileen at about 8:30AM.   She had gotten a call from Mother as Eileen's was the first number that came into Mom's head.    Mom's caregiver was not there again.    Eileen doesn't have their number so I called to find out what was up. 

There was a "mix up" AGAIN.   This is not the first time that Trish has not communicated to her caregivers and I let her know that we are not happy.   This is our mother.   She gets distressed when they are not there.   She ends up having to get out of bed by herself at least by 8AM which is one of her vulnerable times.     I let Trish know that we expect something to be done.    Eileen, Dolores andI have discussed the fact that there are other care giving services out there.  

I left shortly after 9AM for bible study.  There were 6 of us there.   With Tom and Kathy in Florida this will probably be our winter group.    Please pray for my friend,Helen's daughter who has MS and has taken a turn for the worse.

Then I went to Mom's.   She actually weathered this morning pretty good.   We got her bills paid and stowed away the December Bills.   I am bringing something to put the old ones in and store it down in the basement.

I left when her Meals came.   She doesn't like her schedule messed with and with the late care givers, she did not get her excercises done this morning which really distressed her.

So I came home and have been just working on Christmas stow away AND getting the desk stuff in order.    Tomorrow I am home all day.   Yea.

So on to the rest of the week.

Dia Dhuit


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