Thursday, January 17, 2013

I was home all day today.  

I ended up spending most of it sorting my 2012 receipts and gathering for tax season.    I hadn't really planned on doing it all, but once I got started it mushroomed.   I also now have my left had desk drawer all cleaned and my various projects and things that need to be finished all in manageable groupings.

So it wasn't too exciting a day.   I have things ready for a couple of errands tomorrow and someone from VNA is coming to pick up some things that I have and hate to throw away.    I am such a "green" person.   

Heard from Nora and Leif and from my friends Sheila, Rosemary and Gail with encouraging cards.    So I had a smiley time when I came in with the mail.

Glad that chore is over with.   I love having things organized.

Dia Dhuit

Happy Friday


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