Monday, November 26, 2012

What a goofy day.

I got up at 5:45AM.   I had intended to get up at 6AM anyway.  Isn't is odd how I miss those 15 minutes?    Very silly.

But Dick needed me at 5:45AM.  So there you go.   Boy, was Roxie irritated.  She had been trying to get me up since shortly after 4AM and she sees no reason why that MAN should have more pull than she does.   She fussed at me all the time I was taking care of Dick despite the fact that she was still fed at 6AM.

Bobbie came to be with her Dad at around 8:30AM.   I left at 9AM for Bible Study and for a visit with Mother.

Please pray for Don who has cancer and it doesn't look good at all.

Mother seemed pretty good today and looked absolutely lovely with her fresh perm and all.  We got her pills out, her bills paid and picked out a show for her to watch tonight on TV.

Home again, Bobbie said that Dick had slept the whole time I was gone.    I talked to Dr. Sharon's nurse and we are going to do a urine test to see if there is an infection.   If so, this could be accounting for a lot of the confusion that Dick has been experiencing.   I hope it is that easy.  I wish I was a better nurse, but I am learning as I go.   As I told Dick when all of this started.   Even when I was a little girl, I never wanted to be a nurse.   We both got a really good laugh out of that.

At 3PM we had to be at Aurora Plymouth for Dick's appointment with the anti coagulation clinic.   The good news is that he is just where he is supposed to be.  The bad news is that we had trouble getting him out of the car both at Aurora and at home.    He is, for some reason, leaning back, instead of leaning forward and though I was able to get him into the chair at the clinic, I had to call Plymouth Ambulance to help me get him seated in the chair and into the hours.   They came immediately and got him seated, in the house and made sure he was stable.   What nice guys.

  I don't know what is happening and am confused as to whom to call for help.   I think I will start with Embrace Care as they are the daily caregivers.   I am hurting myself trying to fix things and won't do any good if I get in real trouble.

Tomorrow we get to be home all day.    I need that.   Too many days of confusion.

Love you all

Dia Dhuit


The night has been quiet and peaceful.  Dick and I are both trying to be the "best we can be" for each other because it was such a traumatic middle.    He is so patient and brave.  

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