Friday, November 30, 2012

Home all day.    It was quite pleasant outside and supposed to be even warmer tomorrow.   I plan on putting up the outdoor lights tomorrow when it is in the 50s.

Today, I wrapped some presents and mixed up the buckeye middle.  Tomorrow I will roll them and then dip them.   Then I can start preparing packages.   It is now less than 4 weeks to Christmas and the time it does fly.

My arm is really hurting a lot.    I have to try to really rest it as much as possible.

Tomorrow is another day home except for going to Mass.    Sunday also.     Things will get more festive as the holiday creeps up on us.

 It is only 7PM, but since Kay is here to help Dick, I am going to bed now and will rest and hopefully sleep until he needs me before going to sleep.

Somehow I need to get rested.

Take care

Dia Dhuit


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