Friday, September 14, 2012

Another rather fruitless day.    I got up at 6AM because help was coming at 7:30AM and shortly afterwards.

Jody came at 7:30AM and Heidi from Embrace came about 15 minutes later.     I had to take the van to A & J to have Dick's seat checked.  After three hours of them checking it and them communicating with the factory, they decided that a shaft was broken and one has to be sent from the factory.   So sometime next week,they will call and I will have to go back there for the repairs.     I am sick to death of new things not working properly.    

I got home at about 12:30PM.   Dick waited for me to eat lunch, then we both napped for a bit.

We had a nice quiet rest of the day and then Kay came at 6:30PM and I drove out to Rhine to shoot pistol league.    That was a nice break.     I brought a present home for Dick.   They always have beer left from the beer blast fundraiser and I bought an assorted pack.    Perhaps Richard and Brenda might like to try one on Sunday.  It is just for the fun of experimenting.

If George, Betsy, Jeff and Kathy stop tomorrow night, I have something fun to offer too.

Tomorrow should be very quiet.   All I have to do is go to Mass in the evening.   Sunday too.   I need the rest.  Pray that nothing else breaks.

Dia Dhuit


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