Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tomorrow is supposed to be very hot again and also Saturday.    Today was really rather pleasant.   I had to got out twice.  

This morning was my PT Appointment.   Jared told me to keep up his recommended excercise  with modifications.  He spent a lot of time trying to relax my poor crunched up tendens and muscles.

When I got home this Morning, Rob, from Preferred Computing came to get the hard drive from the old computer.  He is going  to be back tomorrow to hopefully reinstate my data from Open office and Microsoft Works.   He is also going to try to reinstate my Quicken.

I was home in time to get Dick down for a short nap while I got dinner prepared.  It was important that he got that rest as we were on our way to Wisconsin Prosthesis this afternoon to try to get Dick's right prosthesis exchanged.    It was not a good session.  Marty was unable to get the prosthesis to set.  By that I mean putting it on and making it stable and ready to go.   I am not too happy with that but we  have no real choices right now.  I like Marty, but see no reason why this was not working.

We got home at about 3:30PM.  Just in time to greet Matt from Home Care Resouces.   Matt is going to come back in the morning to snug up the Stand Lift so that it will not be so jiggly and seem "off" to Dick.  

Tomorrow at 10AM.  Rob,from Preferred Computing, Matt from Home Care Resources and Neil from Steger Heating are all converging on our home.   I hope they all fix the things that have been malfunctioning around here.

Tomorrow morning, I will leave as soon as Heidi, from Embrace Care, gets her to go for my flute lesson with Jim Wilsing.   I THINK I have my lesson down pat.   He is a hard taskmaster.

I love the sound of that flute.  And hope that I can at least make it pleasant to others.

I want to learn "For Ireland I won't say her Name."  Ar Eireann Ni Neosaihn Cehi"   the most beautiful Irish melody I know.

After all the influx of people, we can rest in the afternoon.   Whew.

I intend to be productive tomorrow.  I will try to completer some projects while all his is going on.

Dia Dhuit


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