Monday, August 27, 2012

A VERY busy day.   I couldn't go back to bed after feeding Roxie because I had to be all ready and have Dick all up and ready before 9AM.   Bobbie came then to stay with Dick when I went to Mother's.    AND Rob from Preferred Computing came to switch my computer.    I stayed home from bible study so that I could be here to answer any questions he might have.

I did leave before he did so that I could bet to Mother's before 11AM so that we could take care of her bills and set up her pills for the week.    She looked very good today.

I got home before noon and Bobbie, Dick and I had chili that I had made yesterday for our lunch.   It turned out good.   Even if I had to substitute one can of pinto beans for red beans because I was short.   Dick said that it made a difference.    I myself really liked it.

A quiet afternoon.   Roxie is quite miffed.   The new computer tower is much smaller and she has to be very careful how she places her feet to get off the desk.   The funny thing was that when she started down from sitting on the printer, she took one look at it and mewed in protest.    She is quite the vocal girl.

Tomorrow we will be home alone all day until 6:30PM when Kay will come and I will go grocery shopping.   It is however trash day so I can't sleep late really.  Shucks.

The evil tree killing machine came back and ripped down the trees on the other side of the railroad tracks, the side adjacent to the park.   Bobbie was here and got to see the machine working.   It is really almost obscene and much too easy.  

"Progress" is not beautiful.   I remember how upset I was many many years ago when Wells Fargo bought First Interstate and they did the signage change on the side of the building.   Birds had built their nests in the letters of the First Interstate sign.   And they ripped down the signs, the nests and the eggs and/or babies.    The most pitiful thing I have ever seen was those poor mama and papa birds flying around trying to find their nests and accept that they were gone.

Can you believe that August is almost over already?   Do you know that there are a few trees whose leaves are turning?

Have a lovely sleep and enjoy your Tuesday.

Dia Dhuit


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