Tuesday, May 22, 2012

We had to be up and ready for Tim to pick us up at 8:15AM.   Dick had a CTScan on his lower right lung to see is there is any difference in the fluid that is under it.  We were back home by 9:30AM.   Dick said that the hardest part was transferring to the table from the wheelchair and back.   They don't have any lift aids but the guy who was giving the test was good and managed well.   I could tell because Dick was not at all distressed by the experience.

He got a bath this noon from Judy , a VNA Health aide.    So it was a busy day for him.  

We had a quiet afternoon.   I even got a nap.   My present from Jacquie arrived today.   A pretty wind chime.   I have wanted a wind chime.   Now I have to decide where to hang it.

When Kim from Embrace came this evening to prepare Dick for bed, I went to Walgreens to pick up prescriptions and to Fleet to find a hook that can be attached to our deck to hang my pretty hummingbird feeder on.    I am excited to do this because Don and Jan next door have one and they are getting orioles too.   (Of course,  you need oranges for orioles too but they also like the sugar water.)

Now, I will watch Dancing with the Stars as long as I can stay awake.    I hope I am aware enough to see if Donald Driver wins.

Tomorrow is shopping day, I hope the weather is as lovely as it was today.    I would like to take a swing out to Moraine Gardens to pick up a couple more herbs.

Dia Dhuit


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