Tuesday, May 08, 2012

"We all get heavier as we get older,
because there's a lot more information in our heads.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it."   Unknown

I think we actually got our warm weather in the winter.   It was not bad today and there was no wind or rain but it is not what I would call warm either.

The day started out rather busy.    I got up at 6:30AM or thereabouts.   Dick was trying to get up earlier but DID go back to sleep for a while.   I like it when he sleeps until between 7 and 8.   This gives me a bit of time to get myself ready for the day.

This morning was trash day.   I put our four bags of regular trash and a bag of recyle.   One of the regular bags, I had put out last week and they didn't take it.   So I decided to just take it back out again.   This time everything was gone.   Dick says I will be wondering about that until the day I die.

Nancy, the home health aid, came after lunch to give Dick his bath, so I was able to go to vote while she was here.   After VNA stops coming, I am going to have to plan for help on voting days during voting hours.  Right now the help comes at 6:30PM in the evenings which would really be pushing it.

On the way home, I stopped to the Plymouth Art Center to buy my ticket for their annual spring concert which is a week from Friday.   That will be a nice break.   I am thinking of taking a drive out to Rhine Plymouth on this Friday to shoot a round or two and visit with the "guys" for a bit.  

We ate well today.   My leftover steak from Sweet Bazil and then leftover Spanish rice and pork for supper.    My refrigerator is about empty of leftovers.   Tomorrow is grocery shopping day so I will try to plan something fun for lunch.

Colleen from Embrace is here tonight and Dick has managed to have trouble three times at least.   The main thing tonight is that he let his wheelchair run out of power and Now we will have to hope that charging it all night will fix the problem.


So I am watching Dancing with the Stars and getting ready to go to bed.
Perchance to dream.

Dia Dhuit


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