Monday, January 09, 2012

Today I was able to get back to a "normal" Monday morning.   Bible Study and a visit with Mother.

Bible study was well attended for our winter group.   Tom and Kathy are in Texas until spring and two others could not come, but we were 6 strong and had a good discussion of Psalm 101, especially as it relates to the responsibilities of rulers and the people - and in this pre-election climate, there was a lot.   We DO try to keep too much politics out of our discussions but this was a psalm that just called for it.    How does one make people see their moral responsibilities in the leadership?    None of this is new.   But it will lead to destruction unless somehow, we see the mistakes of the past and change them.   As a democracy, the people should be able to do this.   The tools are there, but someone has to take the reins and do it.    Congress, as an entity, has become a greedy pig, voting itself raises and benefits that are beyond reasonable.   The members of congress should be on the same SSI program, the same health care program and the same pension possiblities of every citizen of this country.   Also, one term in office should not entitle a person to a lifetime of pension.    Who will step forward to get this going?   Dick won't let me.  He says I am too busy.

Mom and I got her finances squared away.    It was simple.  Only one bill this week.  Then we had a nice visit.   She said that she felt a little stronger today which was good to hear.    Eileen was coming out this afternoon to take her tree down.   The tree has shed a circle of pin needles around itself,  much like a fairy circle.

I got home just before noon and fixed Dick lunch before the first of our VNA helpers, Sara, the PT, came.  He is doing very well.   He had already taken a walk this morning, long before shewas due.

Then at 3PM the health care nurse came to give Dick his bath.    So we are well cared for.

I am rather tired tonight and told Dick that I am going to bed early tonight, even if it means that he has to get me up to help him.   I really need the sleep.   I will be glad when the bed pull ups the we ordered come and he can get himself into a sitting position ALL the time.   Sometimes he can, even now, but we are not sure how.   It is hard to figure out when one is half asleep.  I know he tries very hard to get up  before calling me, but sometimes, he just can't get up without help.  Especially when he is half asleep.

So that is our day.   I will end this with a quote that  I used as a prayer at the bible study.   Actually two of them.

They make one think. One challenges us and one asks us to trust.

Dia Dhuit


St.  Basil:  "The bread which you do not use is the bread of the hungry; the garment hanging in your wardrobe is the garment of him who is naked;  the shoes that you do not wear are the shoes of the one who is bare foot;  the money that you keep locked away is the money of the poor; the acts of charity that you do not perform are so many injustices that you commit."

St. Gregory Nazoreane.  "God accepts our desires as thought they were a great value.   He longs ardently for us to desire and love him.   He accepts our petitions for benefits as though we were doing Him a favor.   His joy in giving is greater and ours in receiving.   So let us not be apathetic in our asking, nor set to narrow bounds to our requests; nor ask for frivolous things unworthy of God's greatness.

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