Thursday, January 19, 2012

A day spent totally at home.    I slept until almost 8AM and Dick slept until 8:30AM which worked out quite well.

We had breakfast and then I started baking.   I made the country bread that I had started yesterday and Barm Brack and Lavender cookies.   The Barm Brack and cookies are for Saturday.   Tomorrow I still have to make scones.   Then I will be all ready.

I did some wash, sewed and took two naps.   

The only visitor we had was Sara, the PT, shortly after lunch.  He did very well with the therapy, including showing him how well he is getting in and out of bed using the bed pull up.   That device was Sara's suggestion and since we got it, I no longer have to get up to help him sit up.   This is such a relief as I can get a much better night's sleep.    Dick is one to wake up of and on during the night and if he can sit for a while he can usually get back to sleep.

So that was the day.   Tomorrow it is going to be like Grand Central here.  So I am going to bed early and trying to get ready for it.

Dia Dhuit


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