Saturday, December 17, 2011

A very fruitful day.    We woke up to a dusting of snow all over the ground and roads.   When I left, I made the first tracks in the driveway and roadway just outside our house.   I slept until about 7:30AM then left at about 9AM so that I could go to Sheboygan Falls to the Historical Research Center to pick up a couple of books for Christmas and to go to Mother's house.

I had ordered the Vit Eyes for her and it came yesterday.   I needed to get it to her today as she was short one for Sunday and she is religious about taking those particular vitamins because they help keep the macular degeneration at bay.     I brought her a dinner too,  chicken, rice and green beans.  And some of the Lizzies.    She and I both LOVE them.

While I was there I went over to the church basement to buy some candy and cookies for her.   There was a cookie sale for the School and she likes to do her share.

So when I left her, I went directly to Rocky Knoll.   I wanted to be ther for lunch with Dick and allow plenty of time for the hurse to be able to show me how to change Dick's dressings.     I am getting as ready as I can as early as I can.   We have ordered a new walker for Dick.   One that is like the walkers he is using in therapy.   It is sturdier and easier to stablize and stop.   It does not have a seat but he would have to turn around in place to sit on the seat of the other one and he will have to work up to that anyway.

I came home at about 3PM.    I am doing some Christmas cards tonight.   I scheduled lots of computer cards several weeks ago to be sent next week.   But there are many that I still need to send paper cards to.

I also mixed up the Christmas Stollen.  The dough has to be in the fridge overnight, so I can finish and bake it tomorrow afternoon.

Things are coming together nicely.    I am so happy that Dick will be home on Tuesday.   I will be fixing Spinach, Egg and Noodle casserole for him.    He requested it for his first meal home.

So until tomorrow.   Which will be my last Mass at Rocky Knoll for, I hope, a long time, unless I should volunteer sometime.

Dia Dhuit


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