Friday, December 16, 2011

What a day!   I got up at 6:30AM.   Jody came at 8AM to do the cleaning.   She noticed that Roxie seemed to be limping more than she was last week.   I "talked" to Roxie and rubbed on the leg that seems to be bothering her and she told me that she really did not like that.    So I made an appointment with Dr. Connors for 3PM to have her checked.

I had an appointment at JMKAC to resume the planning for the Irish Family Day that the Art Center is presnting on January 21.   The Celtic Women are going to have a Tea.   We will be selling pots or cups of tea with tea breads and cookies and scones for accompaniment.   I will be putting on two story telling events during the day also.   Some of our members have offered to knit or crochet for demonstrations.
Should be a grand day.

I got to Rocky Knoll in plenty of time to have lunch with Dick and be with him afterwards for his therapy.   I brought his walker.   We have decided to purchase another walker of the kind that he used in therapy, which is a bit sturdier and easier for him to handle at this point anyway.

So I left at a bit after 2PM so that I could take Roxie to her veteranarian appointment.   Dr. Connors checked her out had we DO figure she has arthritis which is bothering her somewhat more at this point.   I will b giving her glucosamine/chrondroitin for cats and (just for a few days) an oral med for pain.  She was, of course, terrified.   She does not like to be in the carrier or the car and- it is worse for her since Oscar is gone.  I think he gave her courage.

Anyway we are home now and she had forgiven me.

I intend to relax this night and get to bed early again.   I figure I need all the rest that I can get before Dick comes home.   I can't believe that Christmas is only a week from Sunday.   

Dia Dhuit


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