Saturday, November 26, 2011

Today was a very rainy day.   Not too cold though so it was bearable.  

I slept until shortly after 8AM this morning.   After yesterday, I was just so tired that it was very easy.    Got up to feed the pest and went right back to bed.

I spent the morning sewing and putting things away from the past two days.   Then I went to have lunch with and spend the afternoon with Dick.   We had a pleasant quiet time.    He walked in the hallway with Michelle, one of the CNAs.   He did well, over 30 feet.

We played Rummy for a while, then I left to go to Mass at St. John's.   I was scheduled to be4 a Eucharistic Minister so decided to just go.   That means that I can sleep late tomorrow too if I want to.

Hope your day was as pleasant.

God love you


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