Thursday, November 24, 2011

What a lovely day.    The weather was only a small part of the loveliness.    The temperatures got up into the 50s this afternoon.    I was glad that I put the turkey in downstairs so the house did not get too warm.

I put the turkey in before I left for Mass.    It cooked much faster than I expected and actually fell off the bone when I brought it up.    Lots of good juices for gravy too.

Mass was very special.   The adult choir and the children's choir joined their voices for us which always makes it impressive and touching.   I was excited to be able to tell several of my friends, including Fr. Van Beck, that Dick would be home for the afternoon.

Bob, from Rocky Knoll brought him shortly after 11AM so he was in plenty of time for the Packer Game.   It was a great game.   The Packers trounced the Detroit Lions.

The dinner turned out really good.   Turkey, stuffing, corn, mashed red potatoes, mushroom and Guinness pie, Acorn Squash and both pumpkin and hickory nut pies.     We are all pleasantly STUFFED.

Dick was picked up at 3PM to go back to Rocky Knoll.    I am so glad that he was here, even if for just those few hours.    We were able to determine where he needs some support bars in the bathroom while he was here and he practiced some transfers.

He also asked Richard and Bill to put up the Christmas tree, so it is up and ready for decorating.

Roxie seemed a bit confused by Dick and she did not finish her supper.   I suppose with all the people and confusion she is just a bit off.   Perhaps she will find the leftovers at 5AM instead of pestering me.

We got to talk to Jim and Michelle and Bart and Barb as they were touring Fort Sill after eating Dinner on base.   Sounds like they had a great time.    Bart sent a short video of Jim and Michelle and Marlise (Barb's mom) and Fred (Barb's brother.) at the table.

Then Barb called tonight so we could have a little talk one on one so that she could find out how Dick's day went.   I am so glad that it turned out a success.   This will inspire him to work really hard.

Richard and Brenda are still here.   We are watching Horton Hears a Who.   When I was in High School, I memorized that story and entered a Forensics contest with it.   I placed.   Not bad.

Tomorrow, Bobbie and I will join the hunters at about 10AM to help butcher the deer.  Bobbie and I will both be bringing meat slicers.

Can't wait to hear Lee tell how he got his buck.

God love you all.


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