Tuesday, July 26, 2011

An interesting Tuesday.   I was home most of the morning.   I really could have stayed in bed for a LONG time but had to get up to get the trash out, so that was that.

I went in to spend time with Dick at 11:30AM.   He was still working on his OT.   When he finished that, we went to lunch.  I didn't bring anything today so bought the lunch that Dick and his buddies had.    We had BBQ chicken, buttered spaghetti, carrots, really really good cucumber salad and a scrumptious raspberry dessert.

Tim from Wisconsin Prosthesis came today to take a first measurement on Dick's new stump   While he was there, the therapists had Dick stand between the parallel bars.   This time we rested the knee of the newest amputation on a stool so that he was able to distribute his weight better.   He stood twice, once for at least 3minutes.   Tim was able to make a couple of adjustments on the prosthesis but as Dick finally understands, the final adjustments will be made when both prosthesis are on those legs.    I heard them discussing and now know that the magic 100 days of insurance coverage will definitely be used before he can come home.

When we got back to the room, I got a call from Lenys, the board member who handles maintenance problems, in response to an email that I had put in regarding a water stain in the family room downstairs that Richard had mentioned.   It took me this long to call because I had so many other things I have been dealing with.    She and Dave, another board member, came down to check and sure enough, we found out where it is, what is causing it and I now know that it is not covered by the condo insurance.   They do not cover door or window leaks.    It was very obvious what is wrong. The water is coming in under the door from the living room to the deck.   Dave pulled out all the wet insulation.  We left it wide open to dry and I put a call into Gary, a contractor who does jobs like this and worked on the condos.     I guess I will check our condo policy to see if there is any coverage there.

Now I have had the afternoon to clear a few things up, bake some muffins and clean a couple of windows.

I will go to bed early tonight.   What a pleasure that will be.

God love you all


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