Thursday, April 14, 2011

Yesterday was totally beautiful.  Warm and Sunny.   We woke up to a wet deck and temperatures in the 30s.   Of course, this is the day that Dick had to go out.   He had an appointment with Dr. Cheryl, the eye doctor.   Bobbie helped us get him there and back.    Dr. Cheryl was very pleased with his eyes.   That errant lash was again poking its way into the world, so she plucked that and we will go back in three months to check it again unless he gets uncomfortable if and probably when that lash grows again.

We picked up steak sandwiches from Chester's.   I had forgotten how GOOD they are.  In case some of you don't know,  Chester's is a drive in restaurant here in Plymouth.  It is open from March to November.   It used to be an A & W but changed during the past years and is unique and famous around the county.   They have the BEST steak sandwiches in the world.   So that is what we had for our lunch.  

We were quite concerned this morning as Roxie is still quite subdued and as the day wore on, we found that she is uncomfortable and/or in pain somewhere on her little body.   I had a call into the veterinarian regarding a supplement that we are supposed to be giving her anyway, so I asked if they thought she should come back in.  They told me that often when a cat gets two shots it can take up to 48 hours for them to recover.  So we have decided that if she is still mopey and sore in the morning, I will call Dr. Pat.   

This afternoon, when I lay down for my lap, I decided not to call her.   A couple of minutes later, I heard "mew,  mew, mew."  And here she came. So I lifted her up onto my legs and we both slept and/or rested for two hours.   She does seem much better and ate her supper but I am being careful not to pick her up until tomorrow.

I went for a walk in the cold and saw two geese who watched me with kind of a bored demeanor as I walked by them and a squirrel that had enough sense to be afraid of me.  It was chilly but I am sticking to my vow to walk at least three times a week.   Now I have this week, so if it rains as they predict, I won't have to walk in the rain.

I went downstairs and finished the Strawberry Basket Square and laid out my Brigid wall hanging.   I only have three weeks to get that done and a couple of days are already shot as I will be getting my colonoscopy on Tuesday.  

I read a poem today that a man wrote about walking with his father and it reminded me of walking with my Dad.    When I was very young, we did not have a car and often, I would join Dad walking to church, or downtown or to my grandparents.  I remember that we would often take a short cut through a woods that was between the Old Red House and Park Street.  It is all developed now.   Dad would point out bits of trees and nature to me as we walked.  One day, he stopped and said quietly, to look at the rabbit.   I could not see it until he actually flushed it out.   He had a great eye and loved the land and its inhabitants.

God love you


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