Monday, April 04, 2011

Monday,  Monday. 

They are all busy.   And I am still a bit tired from last week.   Oh Well.  That too shall pass and this WAS a good day all in all.

Bible Study at 9:30AM.   We stayed with the 23rd Psalm this week as we barely touched it last week and had all the questions to discuss.   We read the references in the commentary in the Old Testament that referred to the shepherd theme.  We were surprised how hard the prophets message was against the leaders of that time.  We are convinced that the message is as true today as it was then.   Example.   Jeremiah 23. 1-2 You leaders of my people are like shepherds that kill and scatter the sheep.  You were supposed to take care of my people, but instead you chased them away, So now I'll really take care of you , and believe me, you will pay for your crimes!


Mom and I had a nice visit and got a lot done.   She will be seeing Dr. Fehrman tomorrow and probably will be cleared on her shoulder.   It does not bother her anymore so she is confident.

I took her information from Wikipedia on Unicorns.   She was pleased.  I printed it with big letters so that she can read it easily.   Lots of people think they are Irish, but the legends actually started in India and Greece and legends of the unicorn are common throughout Europe.   People think they are an Irish legend because the Irish Rovers recorded the Unicorn Song which is really a song of Noah.    Unicorns ARE mentioned in the Bible by the way.

Tonight I had to go to Rhine for our meeting.  It was rather interesting.   I have tickets to sell for our second annual Beer Blast in June.   Any takers?

So have a nice sleep and a good tomorrow.

God love you


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