Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Wednesday - Shopping Day.    It went very well.  I left a bit before 8AM and was back by 9AM.  

Then I spent the rest of the morning cooking and preparing things.   I got a roast all salted and in a bag with veggies.   A corning process.   The corned beef should be ready just in time for St. Patrick's Day.  Dick said he likes my corned beef better than the processed briskets that I used to buy.  I am corning a 3lb chuck roast which should be really good.   I will fix it for the weekend after St. Patrick's Day as I will be marching on the holiday and surely have a corned beer dinner or sandwich after the walk.

I also made a fruit salad and baked a cake.   So I am ahead on meals for a couple of days now.  

I swear I was busy all the rest of the day with computer, calls and getting my quilting in order.   I still have a lot of sorting of fabric to do but feel a little more organized.   I have until June to get a block done to share with the club and want to assemble the block of the month we did last year.

Anyway, I am tired.  So I am going to sign off and go to bed early tonight

God love you


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