Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Today was the mammogram day.    I had to be there just before 9AM and it went very quickly and comparatively painlessly.   I am a bit achy but not too bad.   Unless I get a phone call tomorrow or the next day, everything is all right.    After nearing about my neighbor, Freddie, I really feel that this procedure is extremely important.    Thank God that I am in a very low risk for that type of cancer, but nobody is immune.

We had T-bone steak for our dinner.   I was just hungry for meat.   We have found that we can split a steak and it is just right for the two of us.

A little before 1PM, I left for the Kettle Quilters club meeting.   I dropped some expired meds at the Plymouth police station disposal site on the way.   It is sure nice to have that in town.   Then on to the library for our meeting.

We had a good crowd there today.  Lots is going on in the quilting world.   Now that the trip is over, I want to set aside a couple of hours a week to go downstairs and get quilting again.   

Toni taught us a method of quilting that she learned called One and Done.    It seems very efficient.   I have it in my head to adapt the method it with a group of squares that I have ready to assemble.   It saves a lot of work.

It was a really nice meeting.  I was able to share the fabric that I purchased at Mulaney Brothers in Ireland and the picture of the quilt that was hanging in St. Patrick's in Armagh.   I have been unable to upload that picture because somehow the Picassa to Blogger is not working.   I am hoping it is a communication glitch and will correct.

So.  A pleasant day and the weather was just at pleasant.

Then Bart called and is excited about a new house that he and Barb are bidding on in Lawton.  The wonder of computers - I could look at it online.   It looks really nice for them.

Than Richard called.   They are in Milwaukee with only a flight to Madison to be home.   They wanted us to know they are back in God's country and had a nice vacation.

I loved today

God bless you all


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