Monday, February 28, 2011

Quite a day.    I am still feeling so good about the warmth and fun at our Gathering of Celtic Women yesterday afternoon.  

Today was again a special day.   Monday and the weather was beautiful.   Cold, of course, but the sun shone and the sky was a beautiful blue and there was no wind to speak of which made it very pleasant outside.

I went to Bible Study at 9:30AM.   There were five of us there and I shared the St. Bridget story and the flame with them as our opening prayer.  My dear friend, Ione, gave me two pair of Irish socks again.   She is so sweet to remember me on my "special" holiday.   Please pray for her husband, Don, who is having some health problems again.  We had a good discussion of Psalm 113.   It came up in our discussion that when we get to the gates of heaven we want God to recognize us.     He is so high up but promises to lean down to help those below and all we have to do is believe in this.   Quite a deal.  He told his people.    He said, I am your God and you are my people.   Such a deal.

Then I went over to Mom's.   She had some bills to be paid and we went through a bunch of papers that had piled up while she was in rehab.   Now she knows where she is at and I know she feels better about that.   She is very hands on, but I usually write out the checks and have her sign them because her sight makes it difficult.   We had time for a visit after the "work".  Then I came home, fixed lunch and took a nap.

We changed Dick's tubagrip and cleaned his leg.   At this point, he has no sores at all on the good leg.   If it is still good on Wednesday, he is going to try walking again.   Good sign.  He brought it up himself.

Tomorrow, I am going to get my mammogram.   Not happy about that but know that it is best.   It is brought home to you when you hear about someone who has breast cancer and how fast it can come and spread.   I am low risk but will be vigilant.

Quilt Club tomorrow.   I am going to bring the picture of the quilt I saw in the St. Patrick's Cathedral in Armagh and the fabric I bought while I was in Ireland.   I'll put the picture of the church quilt on the blog tonight.

God love you


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