Saturday, February 19, 2011

A busy Saturday because Mom is HOME!   Who could delight in better than that.

I worked around home this morning.  Dick slept until 11AM.  What a sleepy head.

 I fixed pancakes.  I got hungry at about 8AM myself so I ate and put things aside for my sweetheart.   Today was Share pickup day.  I went there shortly after 9AM and fully expected Dick to be awake but since he wasn't I just let him sleep and just checked on him every half hour or so.

Shortly after noon, I went to see Mother.   Randy and Donna had picked her up at about 10AM and got her home and helped her settle in and get lunch.    I got there just as she had finished her lunch and stayed about 2 hours.   We went over her bills and checkbook and her meds and just plain visited.  I have missed our uninterrupted visits.

Talking about the problems with the Wisconsin public employees and their dissidents, we were reminded of other conflicts.

I remember that during the Kohler Strike,  Uncle Jack remodeled his home and did some plumbing.   Dad went over to see the finished work and just instinctively looked at the plumbing and it was Kohler.   He stood up and walked out of that house and did not talk Uncle Jack for many years.   Such a tragedy.   I thought of it because a friend of mine is at conflict with her daughter about this crisis.   Her daughter is a teacher and on the Democratic edge of the situation.   She is a died in the wool Republican, much like my Bart, who wants me to come to Oklahoma NOW, to get out of this mess.   I hope that my friend and her daughter can just talk.   How sad it is to have these emotional rifts between people who love each other.  I always do my best to try to see each situation from the view of all the participants.

Then I went to Mass at 4PM.  It was a very lovely mass,  a bit theatrical, as the folk choir was singing, but beautiful.  I find them a bit stagey.   (I thing I made up that word.)  I was not scheduled for distributing communion but there were not enough people, so I got to do it.  I always feel so privileged to be able to share the sacrament with the congregation.

Now it is time to wind down.  Dick and I are going to have an ice cream cone for dessert.  Doesn't that sound good?     Tomorrow will be quiet.  I will be working at Rhine from noon to 2PM unless the winter storm heads in sooner than expected.  It looks like we will be pretty much homebound until  sometime Monday.   I told Mom I  will be there to see her either Monday or Tuesday, depending on the storm.

So.  You all stay safe.

All my love and my Jesus, Mary and Bridget bless you


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