Friday, January 07, 2011

What a nice day.  It was cold as can be.   3 degrees at morning.   But it did warm up.  All the way into the mid teens.   Whoop de do! 

This morning was an absolute crush of phone calls.   First Kathy called to tell me that she and Jeff were on their way to pick up Mother to take her to see Dr. Fehrman to check her shoulder.   They wanted to confirm the appointment time and were traveling without a phone book.   Then I got a call from my cousin, Colleen in Florida.  I had called and left a message for her to tell her that Mother was hurt so she can keep abreast of the situation.   She was relieved that it was only that Mother is in a rehab center and not gone on to be with Dad.

Then Bob Fleming called in response to a call that I had made to him yesterday.   We, Bob, Kate and I, will be meeting for a coffee sometime next week.

Then Kate called me to tell me that she had some meatballs for Dick and me for the taking.  So I drove over there and picked them up.  They are sweet and sour meatballs and are really delicious.

Then I went to have lunch with my bank friends.  Barb was there so I gave her the Tupperware that she had ordered.  It was good to see everybody after the holidays.

Got home at about 1PM, before Tim from Wisconsin Prosthesis came to fit Dick for his new shoe insert.   Now his foot is definitely much more stable and hopefully he can try walking again.

Then tonight, Nancy Roehre and I went out to Rhine to sign up and shoot the Winter pistol league.   Today was the first Friday of that and I will miss two Fridays when I am in Ireland.   We figure we did pretty good for not having shot for over a month.    Next week will be EVEN better.

We had soup for our dinner.

Then as I was starting on the blog, the phone rang again and it was my Bret.   We had the nicest long talk.   He is doing very well but embarking on some extensive dental work.    He will have a whole two weeks of vacation in early February and is going to spend part of it playing and the rest working on his mobile home at the River.  He sent pictures of it at Christmas and is so proud of it.     I know he would like to live there if he could get work within a reasonable distance.

I miss my boys.

Tomorrow I am home most of the day again.   Will work some more on the Christmas tree. 

God love you



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