Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cold Cold Cold again.   it was again below zero when we got up and as far as I know it only hit 12.  

I got up early, put the venison roast in the crock pot and went back to bed until almost 8AM.   Then I got up and had to rush a bit because today is the day I pick up SHARE.    After breakfast and shower, I made it over to the Armory by 9:15AM   Plenty of time.   We got a nice selection today.   Chicken,  pork tenderloin, beef sandwich meat, stew meat,  grapefruit, potatoes etc.

I heated up a Marie Callendar dinner for Dick this noon and we shared a honey bell orange.   I just had a piece of peanut butter toast because I knew I would be eating heavily at the Wild Game Dinner.

I went over to Donna and Randy's a little after 1PM for the party.    Bing and Stenn and George and Betsy were there so I got to visit with them a bit before things got CraZY as they tend to do at this event.

  It was quite the party.    There were 21 contestants in the beer tasting and 23 beers.   Bing and Betsy helped me serve the beers and keep the list intact.   It was again an amazing finish.   Mike and Mary Margaret helped score.   Mary Margaret came up with the best idea in the world for that.   One person reads the key list and two or three people check papers.  No looking back and forth, no need to double check.    We had a tie again.   That Jessica had 10 (in the top two the second year in a row.)  She was tied with John.   We ended up with a double drink off as they tied again on the first one.   Finally John took it this year so we may be going to Chicago to John and Holly's next year.    Holly was proud of John but kind of jealous because she lost to Jessie last year.

The food again was delicious.    My roast, chili, Brunswick Stew, pheasant, turkey Cordon Bleu and tons of other things.   Erin brought some vegetarian dishes that were really scrumptious too.We had angel food cake with berries and shipped cream for dessert.  

So home in the cold, it was 2 degrees as I drove home.  I got here at about 7PM and after I finish talking to you all, I will crawl in bed.   Tomorrow will be very quiet.   I will go to Mass at 9:30 then the rest of the day will be Dick's and mine to watch the big Packer game and just be together.

God love you all.

Hope the Packers and Steelers win.


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