Sunday, December 26, 2010

What a wonderful day.  I woke up at about 7:30Am.   Took my shower and got the normal morning things done before I left for church.  Mass started at 9:e0AM.   It was a nice mass.  No choir, just a cantor, but the church was full and Fr. Van Beck gave a wonderful sermon.  He talked about family.   One of his statements was wonderful.   He was talking about family as it is Holy Family Sunday.   He has done a lot of counseling in his years as a priest.   He said that one thing he has never heard in in years as a councilor is  " He tells me that he appreciates me too much."

Dick and Brenda gave me an upgrade to my computer.  The thing is that it did not just involve the upgrade but they had to do the installation and trouble shooting and I had not been updated for years.   They did not get out of her until well after 4 PM. We sent them off with a snack and a thank you that somehow expressed our gratitude.   How wonderful it is to be so looked after.    So far, the upgrade is seamless from my point of view.

Everything is behaving as it should and much faster.  They have informed me that I can no longer have my computer kitties wandering around the screen as they take up too much space.   Since I have my real life Roxie, I can put up with that. 

We talked to Leslie and Bret today so have connected with all of our offspring for the holiday.

I have a really great quote for you that my brother Jeff and his wife Kathy sent to me today.   I felt it conveyed the season.


Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas
if you stop opening presents and listen

-Bobby (age 7), submitted by Kalea, Chico CA

In this strange goofy wild and unsettled world, we have to stop and listen for the peace and the message.

God love you




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