Monday, December 27, 2010

One would think that now that Christmas is over things would settle down.   But there seems to be this aftermath that is keeping life quite active and tiring.

This morning, I left at about 9AM to spend some time with Mother.   I stopped at her house to pick up her mail so that we could pay her bills and keep her involved in NOW.   I got to Meadowview just as her occupational therapist came to take her for therapy.   She is mainly in a wheel chair and does pretty well moving herself around with one hand and her feet.   The therapist also worked on keeping the muscles in her right arm strong and flexible.

Mom is surely tired but hanging in there.  I stopped again at her house on the way back home and set out a couple of things that she needs and did the dishes that were sitting there.   Dolores and Ken got the Meadow View just as I was leaving and Dolores is going to the house tomorrow and will bring the needed things back to her.  Dolores is just a block or two from Meadow View which is very useful.

When I got home, we had lunch and I started a bit of wash.   Tomorrow is trash day and there is SO much to go out.   I worked out in the garage sorting boxes to see what I should keep and what I should dispose of and getting the trash bags ready.   It will be a record.   5 bags and a big box of cardboard.   Whew.

Tomorrow is a quiet day except for a hair cut and a trip to Walgreens in the afternoon.

Perhaps I can feel that I am ahead of the game again.  

Wednesday, Dick has his physical scheduled with Dr. Sharon.   I hope we can find out why he is not sleeping and what those sores on his leg are.   The salve he prescribed is not healing them.

So. That is today.   Only three days left in the year.  Where is time going.

God love you all


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