Saturday, December 11, 2010

This was an unusual day.

I started off by making the Lizzie cookies.   I wanted to take them to Mother today when I went to Rosemary's funeral.

I left at about 10:30 AM to go to the Condo meeting.   I got there just as the meeting was ending.   Another mistake.  I had put the time at 11am and it was 10AM.  Oh. Well.   I got to visit with people.   The meeting was not jeopardized because of my not being there on time.   It went smoothly.   There were the number of people needed to vote and I was able to find out the important news when I got there.

I had time to do a shopping errand and visit with Mother before the funeral.

Mother was a bit weak today.   We had a nice visit and I dropped in after the funeral to bring her the worship folder.   She felt so bad about not being able to go to the service.

It was a nice service.  I went over a 12:30PM thinking that I would be able to get through the line and pray at the coffin.   Fat Chance.   The line was all the way around the left side of the church.   Finally they had to sit the congregation for the service.    I did not get to go by the coffin but after the Mass, I found Warren and the children that I know to express my sympathies.   I told Warren that though I had not gotten by the coffin, I had been talking to her ever since I heard about her problem and didn't feel that I really had to see her.  I just needed to see him and I needed to tell him that Mother was praying for him and the family.  Zach, her grandson, planned a beautiful service music wise.   He sang Ave Maria and I told him I may call on him in the future.  I hope Blessed Trinity realizes what a treasure they have in him as their music director.

As I left, I saw Donna Plageman, a friend from the Choir.  I received her Christmas card this week and I told her that it was such a joy, because she is always the first and when I get her card, I know that Christmas is really coming.  That pleased her.

The snow that they are predicting has begun to fall.   I have heard from 5 to 15 inches.  I will opt for the 5.   The only thing I have to do tomorrow is go to Kate's if it is drivable and make the pasties.   We are sharing the ingredients and the work.

So that was the day.   Quite busy, Quite exciting.  

God love you all and keep you safe from harm.


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