Monday, November 08, 2010

I was very busy today.    Roxie is starting to accept the time changes, but she does find it a bit of an annoyance.     I folded clothes and put them away and started getting things ready for trash tomorrow. 

At 9AM, I left for bible study.   We watched as much of Barbara's Women's Group's video of Women at the Well as we could in the time we have.   We will watch the rest at some future time.    Next week, I asked everybody to review the books for the new study - Psalms - as it will be very different for us.   Then we can decide how to proceed.

Then I went over to Mom's.   She said she had felt a little dizzy this morning but as we visited and I took care of a couple things for her, she seemed to perk up.   I felt pretty good about her by the time I left.    I brought her some of the Braciole de Manzo and noodles for her supper and bread.    I got three loaves of bread at the Fireside and then I gave her a third of each loaf.   We put it in the freezer and she can pull it out as she needs it.
We had a nice visit.   As usual, the time went too fast.    I was able to tell her about yesterday at the Fireside.   One regret that I have is that we never did get her to the Fireside for a day.    She would have loved that.

We had our lunch and then I took a short nap before cleaning the kitchen, clearing off most of the dining room table, sorting and clearing things off the desk and gathering trash for tomorrow.  

Kate and Patty picked me up at 6PM to go to the UW Sheboygan to hear a speaker named Donald Stoker talk about the Strategy of the Civil War, The Grand Design, his book.   He was a good speaker making the subject exciting and pertinent.   We learned a lot about the generals and leaders on both sides of the war and opinions on why many of the decisions they made were ill timed   and what finally worked to end the conflict.

So a full day.   I am settling down for the night.  Tomorrow I have to get the car to VW at 8:30 for its maintenance and winterizing.  I made the appointment early so I could have the rest of the day at home.

So keep praying for Hazel and her family who miss her.

God love you all


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