Monday, October 04, 2010

Whew - it was Monday and I have been going all day.

Starting off, I left at 9AM so that I could fill the gas tank before Bible Study.   One of our Pig points cards had .89 on it so for the first time in ages, I paid under $2 per gallon and filled the tank for just over $28.    Not at all like the "olden" days when they had gas wars  with gas selling for  .20 per gallon and I vaguely remember, even less.  We also got glassware.

There were 6 of us at Bible Study.  Both of our guys were gone, Tom to a meeting and Joe to Medjugorje Croatia on a pilgrimage.  The gals in the office noticed that we were laughing a lot more.    We had a lot of opinions as we are now in the last chapter of Mark's gospel and it starts with the women coming to the tomb and finding Jesus gone.  We decided that the women approached the tomb wondered how they would move the rock in front of the tomb but trusted that something would come up.  Men, however, would have gone never thinking about the rock and after much discussion try all kinds of things until they moved it.   We like the fact that men and women are different.

Then I spent time with Mom.   Helped her pay a couple of bills and we had a good visit.  She looked good but told me that she does feel a bit weak.   I am glad she accepts that as it makes her be a little less ambitious and just do what she can.  She was going to walk on the porch a bit.   Fresh air will be good for her.

Home again, we had a nice lunch then I took a nap.   My ribs were quite uncomfortable and the nap helped a lot.   I slept for over an hour.

Bobbie got here at about 2:30PM to help me get Dick to the Plymouth Clinic for his doctor appointment.   I can't get him up and down the ramp.  Dr. Sharon is pleased with the healing on his leg.   He says his lungs are clear but took a blood test which may show if there if another reason for the breathlessness and gasping that he does with any exertion.   Of course if he could do more, this would eventually make him stronger, but we are constantly balancing exercise with wound.  We also both got our flu shots.

Home again,  the three of us visited for while.   Bobbie told us about the adventures of tearing out their kitchen  ceiling.    They had a leak and will be remodeling the bathroom as they have to do all this anyway.   They took away buckets of stuff to the drop off site.

We had a light supper then I went to the Rhine Plymouth meeting.  That was efficient and we got a lot done.

So, now it is 9PM.  I got home in time to watch some of Dancing with the Stars but not in time to vote.   They all looked pretty good from what I could see.   I will be able to watch tomorrow for the elimination round.

God love you all

Tomorrow will be easier.


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