Monday, September 20, 2010

I had my Monday all mapped out.  Then a couple of things got pushed into the mix.

Bible Study was as usual at 9:30AM at Blessed Trinity.  We had 8 attendees which is nice.   We are discussing the death of Jesus according to Mark.   And we got hung up on two of the themes that run through Mark's Gospel,  1.  the roll of women as disciples of Jesus and 2.  the Kingdom of Heaven.  We always have a lot to say about those two subjects.   Come and join us some Monday morning and you will see.

I went to Mother's next.   We got a lot of her paperwork done and had a chance to just visit before I had to hie myself on home to give Dick his lunch and go over to the Pig to pick up Jena and Lynn for the Cream City Writers meeting.  We had been invited out to Don and Ruth Cooper's home for our meeting so the three of us had decided to go to Mc Donald's for lunch on the way to their house.  

Now the fun begins.  When I pulled up in front of the Pig to pick up Jena and Lynn they told me that a lady named Sam Cook had stopped to talk to them.  When she found out that they were on their way to the writers club, she bog excited.   She had met me a couple of years ago at Book Heads and emailed me a couple of times, then it kind of fell by the wayside.   So we waited while she checked out her groceries at the Pig.   Then we all went to Mc Donald's for lunch.   While we were lunching, we discovered that she is a neighbor  of Don and Ruth Cooper.  So I dropped her back at her truck and she joined us at the meeting. 

It was a nice meeting.  Everybody had something to share and we shared ideas and philosophy  too.  Ruth and Don are lovely hosts and I got to pet their special doggy which made me feel good.

I dropped Lynn  and Jena off at their homes and then went home to get Dick ready for his trip to the Anti Coagulation Clinic to have his blood checked because he is on antibiotics.   His count was just fine.   So we are safe for a couple of weeks anyway.   He has a staff infection on his right leg which we will be treating with a salve for the next 10 days.  Then we will see Dr. Sharon again.  This is good as the antibiotics for the chest infection are still working.

So it was busier than I would have liked.  But tomorrow, I get to stay home all day.   I intend to get Dick all squared away,  take a walk and do some sewing.    If it is a NICE day, Dick and I plan on cleaning the garage.  Then I would put a couple of the other things off until Wednesday or Thursday.

I kind of hope for a nice day as I like to spend time with Dick.

God love you


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