Monday, August 16, 2010

What another beautiful day.  I even wore jeans.  Chelsea got me up at 11:30PM and again at 2:30AM.  Then I slept until 6:30AM. 

I went to bible study at 9:30AM.  We had a pretty full contingent.   Helen Maurer was not with us because her she had surgery for a detached retina.  Pray for her.  Her eyes have been giving her trouble for quite some time.

We had great discussions today.  We are getting into Mark's account of the Passion and got it all connected to the Sunday Celebration of the Assumption.   Mary must have been quite a woman to take on that mission to raise the Son of God and then to walk with him through his passion.  Joseph was pretty brave too.   I am so looking forward to seeing "The Child" at the Fireside in November.  That is a new musical of the story of Christmas from the view of Joseph.  I have been listening to The Rock and The Rabbi.  Boy is that good.  I makes Peter seem like the real person he must have been.

I had a nice visit with Mother after bible study also.  I am helping her pay her bills and update her checkbook now.   I did that for Helen too.   She tells me what bills need to be paid, I write the checks, she signs them and I update the checkbook.    With her sight being so iffy, she feels more comfortable with this arrangement.

I went to my Cream City Writer meeting this afternoon.  I had managed to complete a poem on growing up to read at the meeting.   We had a lot of good readings today.   The invoked memories of our own childhoods, so the writings are doing what we had hoped, painting pictures in other people's hearts.

I make chocolate zucchini bread this afternoon.

WE had leftovers for our supper.   And Scalloped potatoes for our lunch.  So it was an easy day for me.   Tomorrow, Dick has two doctor appointments and we are planning on eating out.   If it is difficult for Dick, we will pick up something and come home to eat it.

It was our 24th anniversary today.   Hardly seems possible.   I sent Dick and e card.  He felt bad because his eyes made it hard for him to do the same.   Tomorrow our meal out will be our celebration.   We got cards from some of the kids and we know that we love each other.

Bart called tonight.  He is still suffering but is doing as well as can be expected at this point.  Please pray for him .

All my love and God love you


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