Monday, June 07, 2010

Today was a VERY busy day. I did manage to rest until 6:30AM with only two walks for Chelsea during the night.

I left shortly before 9AM and dropped a prescription off at Adams for my neighbor who cannot drive as of yet, then stopped at the Pig in Falls to drop off some pictures and information on St. Bridget for my friend Bob Fleming who is going to attempt one of his icon pictures of her. I am quite excited about that. He did a great St. Patrick and I love his St. Francis. St. Francis is holding Bob's cat Shadow in his arms.

At 9:30AM I was at Blessed Trinity for Bible Study. We had a lively discussion on the first two verses of Mark's chapter 13. This is a discussion of how attached we should be to a church (the building) or to a particular priest. Also we discussed the Jewish temple and it's dynamics. We would like to learn a little more about that.

Next I walked back to Mother's house and brought her the newspapers and some of the soup and chicken and biscuits that I made over the weekend. She seemed much stronger today and we had a really nice visit.

On the way home, I stopped at the bank to get some money and mailed the CWI banner back to Maureen in Chicago for their next event. I also picked up my neighbor, Dick's prescription.

By was I glad to get home. We had ham, beans and cauliflower for our dinner. That was a super ham. I almost forgot that it was in the freezer. A nap and then I spent the afternoon sorting papers and making appointments for a few things that have been pending.

We had sandwiches and salad for supper and then I had to go to Rhine Plymouth for the board and monthly meetings. Kind of lively as Greg brought up camping again. We had voted not to have camping this year because there was no one who stepped up to manage it. Then the issue keeps coming up like a bad penny. It will be revisited again in November. We found out tonight that our member Matt's 15 year old son, Chris, is in Children's Hospital in Milwaukee. He has been there for 6 weeks with a failing heart and will be there until he gets a heart. He is way up on the transplant list but it is a day to day care and worry for them. Please pray for Chris and his family. I cannot imaging how frightened they must be.

Tomorrow, Dick will have a mole like thing on his arm removed. Pray that that is OK too.

God love you all


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