Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Another busy day. This day full of concern. It looks like we are OK, however.

We had an appointment with Dr. Sharon to remove the mole thingy that had appeared on Dick's left arm at 10:30AM. With a bit of rushing and worrying, we got there on time. It was so funny. We got all settled in the waiting area and a nurse came out and said. "Ernest". and Dick and an other man both answered. We all started laughing, but it was the "other Ernest" that was being called. We should have known because Dick always goes in the other door.

Anyway, we got called soon enough. Dr. Sharon removed the offending mole. It appears, according to his observations, that it is probably NOT a malignant mole. We will know in a couple of days but his opinion is very valuable to us and we will hang on to that.

We got home before lunch time and had Chicken and Biscuits for lunch. Then I took a nap. This was trash day too and was I ever glad that I got it out early this morning as when we got back from the doctor appointment both the regular trash and the recyclable trash pickups had been done.

This afternoon, I took cared of a couple of things for Mother and then kept working on the undone things in the house. I planted a few seeds in pots and got them out on to the deck so they can take advantage of that nice easy rain that has been falling rather gently most of the day. I don't know if I told you this but my friend, Jim, a rather large farmer, said that this had been the perfect spring. We should have beautiful crops this year according to him.

There will be a party here on June 26 from noon to whenever. Bart, Barb and Bret will all be here and I am hosting a fry so that the most of the family can hopefully come and see them all to onst. I am planning on cooking brats, hamburgers, venison steaks and mushroom burgers which should satisfy all tastes.

I am getting excited.

Have a nice night and enjoy the rain, we really needed it.


God love you


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