Wednesday, June 09, 2010

It was pleasantly warm today with a rather strong wind blowing most of the day.

I got up a little before 6AM as that was when Chelsea woke me up the second time. She had only awakened me once during the night so that was not too bad. As it was so close to 6, I decided to stay up.

I spent the time until 8 catching up on my morning chores and having breakfast. The people from Steger called just before I was going to leave to ask if they could come and put a plate on an outlet that they had had to order. So I waited for him to come before going grocery shopping.

I got out of her at about 8:30AM for shopping. That went quite well. I was home before 10AM even with being asked by a man in the parking lot to sign nomination papers for Mike Helmke who is running again for Sheboygan County Sheriff.

We had ham and mac and cheese for our lunch and a really good pie that I made. I had to use up some older cookies, so I crushed them and mixed butter in them for a pie crust. Then I mixed instant vanilla pudding, sour cream and drained pineapple and spread them on the crust. It is REALLY good. And I can't think of an easier pie in the world.

This afternoon, I put a lot of things away and almost finished designing the invitation to the party for Bret and Bart and Barb when they are here in two weeks. I can hardly wait.

So it was a good day for me. We have not heard from the doctor about Dick's little procedure. I don't know how long that takes actually.

I talked to Mother today. She sounded pretty good.

That is all for now.

Be still and be glad.

God love you


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