Monday, May 03, 2010

A more than typically busy Monday. Chelsea gave me somewhat of a rough night to begin with. She got me at 11PM, which did not surprise me as she had not been "good" since Sunday morning, but then she came in again at 4AM and then again at 5:30AM.

Bible Study was this morning as usual. We had a lot to pray for and had a lively discussion of Mark's parable of the landowner whose renters killed his son trying to avoid paying him a share of the profits. Just a point of history. Those rotten renters actually thought that if they got rid of the owner's heir, they could claim the property. That was actually feasible in that time.

Then I went over to Mom's. I took her to see Dr. Hancock. We had an 11:15AM appointment. By the time we got into the examination room it was almost 11:45AM. Dr. Hancock did his exam, got her back on the necessary meds and sent her down to the lab for tests. She handled everything pretty well. I called this afternoon and she said she was tired but did sound pretty strong. She should hear on the tests tomorrow or the next day. We are sure that the infection she had is cleared up.

Anyway I did not get home until 1:30PM. I was getting worried because of Chelsea. But thank the Lord, when I am not around, she generally does not move around much and she was asleep when I came in. I was so worried that maybe she would have to go out and Dick would have been in a mess. One time, he did let her out on her long leash out the front door. But that is awkward, especially if she should poop.

I took a short nap this afternoon. Baked some cookies for the Quilt Club event tomorrow afternoon. We are having a speaker, Mercedes Chalmers, talk to us about "Tricks of the Trade." We have a "sell out" crowd. We got a much bigger response than we thought we would and had to turn people away as we meet at the Plymouth Library and there is only so much space.

Tomorrow morning, I also want to go out to the field and set up my blind for turkey hunting the next day. AND Dick has to go to the anti coagulation clinic in late morning.

My neighbor Dick, is in the hospital with pneumonia and perhaps a mild heart attack. His girl friend, Tammy, called to tell me. Now I have to figure out what to do about Chelsea for her mid morning walk. I knew Dick was not feeling too well, but he thought it was asthma and I had hoped that he would be well enough to come and let her out at about 9AM as I intend to come home at noon.

I have an appointment at 3:30PM and have to shop in the afternoon. It would be nice if I would just get a turkey and be able to be done with it.

I have everything pretty much ready to go for the next two days. Why does everything always get jammed into one week?

Love you all
God loves you too.


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