Sunday, April 04, 2010

A perfectly lovely Easter. Yesterday, I fixed an overnight egg casserole and had Michelle put it into the oven while I went to the 8AM Mass.

The folk choir sang at the mass. They are very good, but I did feel that they are perhaps a bit more interested in showcasing their talents rather than leading to worship. I did like the songs. We had Fr. Van Beeck so St. Thomas must have had a guest priest. Fr. Van Beeck always has an appropriate sermon. And I got to give out communion which is always special.

I got home shortly after 9AM. Bobbie and Bill were there and Richard and Brenda came shortly afterwards. The casserole was done and I warmed and frosted the hot cross buns, set out the dishes and silverware and some sliced strawberries. The we ate an Easter breakfast together and visited until it was time for everybody to leave. Richard and Brenda to Easter with her side of the family and Jim and Michelle heading back to Oklahoma and their puppies. Bobbie and Bill stayed for a bit then went grocery shopping and home.

Dick and I were tired and took midday naps today. Poor little Chelsea is totally beat. Her tail is dragging.

Jim was able to meld my PAF (Personal Ancestry File) into Ancestry so I will not have to input the information AND I have tons of "leaves" that I can check against my information. I have been puttering this afternoon. Such fun. I will be able to give Jeff, and Michael O'Connor access to the file.

Tomorrow starts another week. No too busy, thank Heavens. Bobbie is coming on Friday to work on wine and we will be finally having our venison liver lunch. Yum Yum

Bod love you


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