Thursday, April 08, 2010

A whole day at home. What a joy. This morning I wish I could have stayed in bed late but I finally had to get up at 6:30AM because I had to do all the animal and people morning things before 8AM when Joan, the cleaning lady came. But would you believe that Chelsea did not wake up the first time until almost 5AM? I woke up and was really afraid to look. There was snow all over the ground. Our girl was in her glory, rolling around in it happy as a clam. We got flurries off and all all day but all of it is melted.

I had a lot of computer work for CWI and a private project that I took on this week. I also cleaned out my cookbook shelves as my weekly big project. I got rid of a lot of stuff and have things easy to get at again. Wonder how long that will last.

We had leftover pork, potatoes and broccoli for lunch and egg salad and carrot salad for our supper. We are rather spoiled.

Tomorrow I have some errands to do and Bobbie will be here for lunch and to work on wine. So it will be a good day.

I did have a nap this afternoon so I am still going, but it is almost time for bed. I will have to wake Chelsea for her last walk of the night. Hope we do as well this night as we did last.

So, goodnight and sleep well.

God love you


* Protons have mass? I didn't even know they were Catholic.

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