Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Can you believe that a week from today it will be March 2 already. March is at least a springy month and we should be done with the sub zero weather though snow and chill are still probably with us. They say one should not plant veggies and fragile plants until after Memorial Day.

I had a busy morning. Are you surprised? It was trash day and I did not get the trash from the house gathered yesterday so I had a bit extra shuffling to do this morning. I had prepared a box of cardboard and had enough magazines in a bag to go out but did have to empty wastebaskets from all over the house.

Dick had to have his coagulation count checked this morning. We had to be there at 10:15AM so there was a bit of crunch to get him changed, his bandage changed and him washed before we left.

All went like clockwork and we were back home by 10:30AM and I fixed chicken with pesto and garlic mashed potatoes for our dinner.

Then I rested for an hour. I spent the afternoon sorting on the computer, taking things downstairs and just doing a lot of things that are left go. I had a lot of emails to answer too.

Dave Bartz a member of our condo board came to check out that outside light that is not working. He, too, found that there is no power to the thing. Strange, it worked last year. We don't know which power outlet it is attached too and he gave me the name of an electrician that is reasonable and that he trusts so I have someone to call to fix it. We need to get it fixed that is certain.

So, the day is really over, but I have to stay up until at least 9PM to take the dog out. Dick says it doesn't make much difference, but I figure that the later I take her out the better off I am.

This morning she got me up at 2:30AM. She was not "good" so I left the door open and thank heavens she did not bother me until 5:30AM. I went back to bed for an hour then too. I feel like I have a new baby in the house. There is no schedule and I don't get a solid eight hours. The trouble is that I am not 30 any more.

Hope your mid week is great. Tomorrow I will be shopping and then going to the Amputee Support Group meeting. Still wish I could get Dick to come.

God love you


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