Sunday, January 17, 2010

What a nice day this was. I spent the morning fixing our noon meal and taking things downstairs for the CWI meeting this afternoon.

We had chicken legs, baked potato, cauliflower and salad for our lunch.

Then I took a short nap so I would be somewhat rested for the meeting. There were only four members besides me here today. It IS winter and some were out of town. Then two people who were coming couldn't for various reasons.

We had a wonderful time. I had done a bit of research on St. Bridget and it was fun ti relay this to the gals. St. Bridget and Brigit the goddess of old Ireland are very intermingled in the stories about them. For example, legend tells us that Brigit, the goddess, was in Bethlehem for Jesus birth and acted as midwife.

Legend also tells us that St. Mel, when he swore St. Bridget in as the abbess of her order accidentally ordained her a bishop. As this could not be rescinded, she is the only known female bishop in the Catholic Church.

We then fixed some tea and snacked on cheese and crackers and scones while we determined how to make St. Bridget Crosses from the directions I had found on the computer. I harvested tall grasses from the front of the house and had Fr. Van Beeck bless them. (They are supposed to be blessed before the crosses are woven.)
I had them soaking in water which is supposed to make them more pliable. I guess it did. We had three different directions and all opted for the same one. Joan Kramer and I started with the third set, which seemed to have the most clear directions. We got through it. They are kind of primitive, but look pretty good. Then everybody tried to do one. So we all had at least one to keep. I made three. The first sample, the one we all did together and then one just using the grasses and not the harder reeds. Pat Becher tried that and it WAS much easier. We are pretty proud of ourselves and are sorry there weren't more there to try it. I do have the directions.

I will take one to Mother tomorrow and one to Fr. Van Beeck on Saturday.

I am drying the rest of the reeds and will take them to Jeff's on the 30th when I go to the Wild Game dinner. As they are blessed it will be best to have them burned and Jeff will do that for me.

So now it it time for bed and I feel very content.

Remember to be praying for Barbara and Bart in the loss of her dad, Don. It is hard to lose a loved one but good to know that her is not hurting anymore. Bless his journey to God.


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