Friday, January 22, 2010

It was quite a day. I spent the morning cooking and baking. I made the spinach noodle casserole for our noon meal and used the extra eggs for some egg salad. Then there were two bananas that were way to ripe, so I had to bake a cake with them. I made a banana, blueberry, pecan cake and it is really good. Jim would be SO delighted. I think he used to deliberately let bananas get overripe so I'd bake cakes and cupcakes with them.

Roxie and I had the nicest nap this afternoon. I woke up with her curled up on my feet. At least she was in such a position that I did not have to move her to get up.

We had soup and egg salad sandwiches for supper. I just had a little bit because of Donna's surprise birthday party at which I knew that I would snack and have cake.

Nancy Roehre and I went to Rhine to shoot the pistol league. I took my list of the steps that I should go through to shoot that our friend, Jerry Coenen, and did quite will. I got all thirty shots on the three targets. And all but one were scoring.
I am really delighted. I will bring the list with me every week and be very careful about following the steps. Perhaps I will even get good.

Then tonight I drove to Odessey Lanes in Sheboygan Falls for Donna's surprise party. What a nice party. Too loud and too much smoke, but most of the family and lots of friends were there and it is always so good to be with people one loves and likes. Donna was truly surprised and reminded everybody that it is actually a week and a half befoe she is REALLY 50. I took my high school picture with me because I knew Jessica would be there. I had not really looked at it too closely for several years and when I did a couple of months ago, I realized that Jessie looks a lot like me. She liked that and I do too.

So here I am home again and Roxie has finally stopped complaining at me. She does not like it when I am gone. Chelsea is sleeping. She did not wake up when I came in. I suppose I will have to rouse her soon as I want to go to bed.

Got an Email from Leslie with pictures of Nora's wedding. I think I mentioned that she was getting married today. This is so that she and her husband will be shipped out together. Nice pictures. Nora is lovely and they look like a happy couple. I pray for a good life for them and that they treasure each other.

So. Another full day and it was full of happy things. Hope that yours was too.

God love you all


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