Sunday, November 08, 2009

A totally quiet Sunday. We did not see a single soul besides each other and the critters. As far as that goes, Roxie spent most of the day in her room so it was REALLY quiet.

Those darn Packers. Boy did they irritate us. Such a dumb game, though I suppose that Tampa Bay would disagree with me.

I made the pork chop/Lima bean casserole for our dinner. Haven't had that for a long time and I do get those really good boneless chops from Share. This recipe is so easy. You lightly oil or spray a casserole dish, layer the chops and salt and pepper them. Then mix a bag of frozen Lima beans with a can of cream soup (any flavor your prefer) and grated cheese. (I use either Velveeta or cheddar.) Spread over pork chops, top with a small can of French fried onions. Bake for an hour and you have a yummy yummy dinner.

I did a bit of sewing and trimming downstairs, then came up for supper and a quiet evening. My stomach is still tender but feels better than it has in a week. I am hoping that the worst is over. Tonight will tell that tale, I believe.

Talked to Barb in Germany for a few minutes. I called and found her sleeping so she will call back tomorrow evening. Bart comes home on Wednesday. Her father is in the hospital, pheumonia and needs lots of prayer. So lets do that.

Til tomorrow then.



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