Saturday, November 14, 2009


The Northwest Airlines pilots who overshot their landing in Minneapolis last week say they were distracted, not asleep. Turns out Brett Favre was a passenger on the plane and he couldn't make up his mind whether he wanted to go to Minneapolis or Green Bay .

Isn't that funny? I got it in an email today and decided to share that as the rest of the day's events are pretty dull.

Dick feels fine after his colonoscopy. We are still having trouble with sores on his lower legs. The skin is so thin and is peeling. Dr. Moreno prescribed a cortisone salve which we have to apply twice a day. So far no sign of improvement but one application is not going to do much. We are hoping for some change by morning.

I spent some time down in the den cutting fabric for a quilt top and straightening the place up.

Then after lunch, I took a long nap. I have been so very tired lately and am glad of this quiet weekend. I intend to nap tomorrow too. I went to the 4PM Mass today. The children's choir sang for the Mass. I don't think that choir is as big as last year. None of the choirs seem as big. But they sound good.

We have a new archbishop in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. He is Jerome Listecki who has been in Eau Clair for a while. He is young, 60. I find that encouraging. Fr. Van Beeck said that this is the fourth archbishop that he will serve under that is younger than he is. He said that when a pope is younger than he, he is through.

We had some of the chicken soup that I made Thursday for our supper. It is pretty good. I will take some to Mother on Monday.

Now, I am watching the Wizard of Oz. I am too tired to start another project. I have a doggy at my feet and a kitty on the desk. Dick is in bed and it is very quiet.

I must tell you something else. This morning when Chelsea and I went on our walk. We ran into a neighbor who is on the board and has a Maine Cook Cat. He was walking the cat on a leash. Chelsea was amazed and barked her little head off. The cat was not happy but was not panicked either. I visited with Rick a bit and then we all went our separate ways.

God love you


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