Sunday, November 15, 2009

I was still very tired today. Would you believe that I took two naps? One in the morning and one in the afternoon. I cooked a lot this morning. Just was in a cooking mood. I baked some Tastefully Simple Beer Bread, made a ricotta cheese pie with some of my homemade ricotta cheese and made a big dinner of chicken breast, cabbage with mushrooms and salad.

We are watching the Packer Game as I begin this. It is almost over and they are winning. This is the very first week that I EVER did not pick the Packers to win in my years of playing Fantasy Football. I decided to just follow my Plan and point system to the letter. They were not supposed to beat Dallas. If that is what it takes to get them to finally win a game, perhaps I should pick the opposing teams all the time.


I stopped blogging for a while. The Packers won handily while we were having our supper and I was cleaning up. Right now, I am up near the top of the list but that could change with the last two games and I don't believe that I can win this week. Too bad my Packer loyalty did not come through.

When Bret was little, he started liking all sports and football was a favorite. When he was about 11 or 12, he was watching a game one Sunday afternoon when his father came home. Now the boys' father, often, just came in and turned the channel to whatever he wanted to watch without much consultation. But for some reason, this time he didn't and he sat down and watched the game with the boys. It was in the last of the fourth quarter. Finally, he blurted out that he couldn't understand why the game was still on. When he came in there were only 4 minutes left and it was almost 20 minutes later.

I was amazed and started questioning him and found out that he had never SEEN a football game, even a high school game and had no idea how it was played and that the clock stops for so many reasons. Poor guy.

This afternoon I put arms on the doll that I am currently working on. She is shaping up nicely. Did I tell you that I am working on a set of three women. This one is the Crone or Wise Woman, then I will do Mother, then the last one will be the Maid.

Tomorrow starts another busy week.

God love you


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